Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thursday, May 14th

Yesterday - I took Brianna to church where we clapped, sang, saw Chip(the squirrel*) she had a blast!! I then took her to the park where after 20minutes when more kids came she fianlly would slide down some of the bigger slides, I had fun doing that too!hehe We went back home and watched TV, did some cleaning, Brandon cooked out some more steaks..steaks 2 days in a row is alittle much for me, but oh well..they were the bomb! :) Brianna climbed up in my lap about 9:30pm while I was watching American Idol and fell asleep(I guess I wore her out at the park!) So that brings me to American Idol..I can't believe Danny got kicked off!!! CRAZY. I really thought it would be down to Adam & Him, I was an Adam fan from the beginning though..he is alittle different, but that boy can sing!! So he def. deserves it, but I could def. be happy with Kris too, he really seems like a good down to earth guy! So next week, we will see~ :). I watched my RW/RR Challenge, can't believe Kim left, She was awesome in those duals, but that last one she just isn't a mean girl to charge at someone isn't her style, so I'd have to say she def. went out in style! She made us proud, YOU GO GIRL! :) Well I went to bed after that, Brianna snuggled up with me, Brandon & his brother stayed up awhile finishing the shed finally! He has made me proud this week with doing yard work, getting ready for Brianna's playset(can't wait), getting the shed up, cooking, his the man! LOVE YOU BABE :).

Now just waiting for noon so I can eat some lunch! Probably a bagel..yummy..i love bagel day! ;) Pick Bri up from her dad tonight and spend some quality time..woohoo Weekend is almost here!