Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I met Zeta! YAY

So I went and saw my friend laura's precious little girl zeta yesterday. She is so cute!! She is 2 weeks old and I finally got to meet her and hold her. She is so tiny and cute I just had a ball loving on her :). Laura and I were able to share stories of what it's like being a mommy, talk about work..which her job i would die for(stay at home mom can't get any better or harder than that though!.hehe Zeta went through 4 diapers in the almost 2 hours I was there..i sure dont miss those days & everytime she'd cry I'd just hand her over..hehe! She is such a good little mommy and I am just so proud of her! Watching her with Zeta it's just amazing how much we can love someone we've known only a short time :). I wish her and Bin the best of luck in this awesome journey of parenthood.
I then went and got my not so little baby..hehe, went home she was napping, Brandon grilled some awesome steaks on the grill and we just ate and watch some TV. Very relaxing night!