Friday, May 8, 2009

Charleston Trip

So it's Friday!!WOOHOO...

We went to Charleston Wednesday night which was a ton of fun! Ate dinner and did some shoppng. Then on Thursday went to Folly Beach, Brianna had a blast! She picked some great Seashells, played in the sand, and walked on the beach! We took her to Hymans were she experienced eating Calamari & Gator Sausage, which she loved :)! Then we took her to the Market she picked out some cute things in the shops, and got to see the Horses that were doing the carriage rides. We went to the outlets where she got more clothes and of course had to ride all the little kiddie rides there! Then slept the WHOLE way home! We had a great time! (i'll post a picture up soon)

Now off to do some errands to get ready for her 3rd birthday this weekend!! WOW can't believe she will be 3!