Friday, May 15, 2009


So what a night!!! I wasn't feeling well at all yesterday & still feel like poo. I went home took a nap, got Brianna, Nana came over to get her for alittle while, ate, watched Grey's(crazy..). Brianna was up last night not exactly sure what was wrong with her, I was up all night w/ a headache, throat hurting, out of breath, aching, etc...Brandon was a big help though. Then all of a sudden about 1am I woke up to him sick in the bathroom w/ chills, couldn't believe it!! We think it was just food poisoning which was NO fun! He is feeling fine now alittle weak, but I would be too after all that, I have never seen someone sooo sick!
Anywho..late start this morning got Brianna to Pop's, Brandon off to work, I ran by the zoo to take Tiff some shoes..hehe Poor thing. Tonight just going to clean and get ready for a Mary Kay Party in the morning...Please God let this be a more restful night!!!