Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Brianna's 3rd Birthday

Happy Birthday Baby Girl! Well for Brianna's Birthday we took her to Disney on Ice last weekend, she just didn't know what to think. She was in owe the whole time, and had the time of her life! :) Which I loved it too..;)..hehe! Then we took her to Charleston, b/c all she wanted to do was go to the beach, she had a blast! On Friday night my friend Tiffany and I was up till like 3am making cupcake cones for her party and working on Mother's Day baskets for Mary Kay, I think we are just now catching up on that sleep we lost! On Saturday we decorated for our little get together, some of Brianna's friends from church came over and had a blast at our water party! She had a cinderella cake, a princess bathing suit, a pinata w/ lots of goodies, we played in the water, and just fellowshiped together. She got all kinds of goodies we got her a Princess tent w/ sleeping bags for when her friends stay the night, a princess bike, a princess art desk for her room, some pool toys, she got a baby highchair & stroller, playdoh, a webkin duck with a cute bag, a princess door bell for her room(thanks aunt chrissy..hehe), games, clothes, a cuddley puppy pillow from her aunt ashley and uncle brad..hehe, books, a kiddie basketball goal for pops and blees house, and much much more!! She doesn't know it yet, but we also ordered her a playset for our yard..her and Kenzie are going to love that!!! :) She was worn out after that on Saturday and was ready for bed in no time :). Sunday was her acutual birthday on Mother's Day which is special for me. She went to her dads and had a party there with her family, she got back asleep and took a nap, then put her princess dress on w/ her Birthday princess pin and spent the day with me, my mom, and my grandma! April and Jacob came and brought her another birthday present which was a really cool game that her and Jacob played for alittle bit. So in all she had a very festive Birthday week..hehe! I love you baby! Can't believe she is 3.