Thursday, May 28, 2009

Late Night

Yesterday: I made some Mary Kay deliveries! WooHoo..made some extra $, which is always nice! Got my 2 favs and we went to church for the kids treehouse, ate some I-Hop..Brianna ate so well. She ate all her bacon and eggs, my toast, brandon's cheese grits, she had a pancake with strawberries on top, but they were too mushy for her to eat..hopefully it didn't turn her off from strawberries for good! Then we went to Walmart where we spent way too much time and money!! Atleast we stocked up on groceries though. :) We went and visited Nana while Brandon studies for his test, I didn't get a chance to that is what I am about to do now, so I can get may A..lets all keep our fingers crossed for that!
School for my lecture test that is Tuesday, I am soo nervous about it! Then I will go take my lab test(wish me luck), well that will be my exciting day. Thursday are always a drag! Ready for Friday..then Saturday POWER DAY for MARY KAY...WOoHoo!