Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

I took Brianna to her dad and then went to church. I sat with my good friend Tiffany and her husband Josh which was nice, we wished ea. other a Happy Mother's Day and cried the whole service..hehe! After church we did San Jose with my mom, grandma, aunt, cousin, uncle, and his mom too. Then went to Target with my mommy so she could pick Brianna out a baby stroller & of course I couldn't leave out without buying her at least 1 piece of clothing..hehe! I went home put together some last minute Mother's Day baskets and delivered them. I went and picked up my little one at 4, she was sleeping so I let her nap about an hour or so..she was tired from her party! We went to moms where she napped with nana for alittle bit, then went outside & played in the sand box, went to Blee's, etc..Beda got over about 8pm we ate pizza.."yummy", Brianna said. Brianna opened more presents up, then we gave mom her present. A giftcard to get her some nice jewelry and accessories at Swanks, which i love, a coffe mug that read"my favorite people call me nana", a cute journal, and Carolian T-shirt. My baby got me a cute card with our favorite cookie moster..hehe, and another sweet card that had her voice recorded saying"happy mothers day mommy", which of course made me cry again that day..hehe! I also got a giftcard for a mani & pedi, so my and my girl tiffany have to go pedi it up sometime soon! :) We watched twilight with my sis so I can play this game and try and beat her at it, which I don't know she is alittle obsessed..hehe! I had a wonderful day with my family! Happy Mother's Day to all the Mother's out there!