Wednesday, May 20, 2009

School with Life in the Middle

Well I am taking Bio 211 AGAIN! I was in class till 10PM last night, which is NO fun! So here are by thoughts:
I graduated High School in May 2004 and began my college semester as a 17 year old freshmen living away from home @ USC Aiken(which wasn't too far at all). I was taking a load of classes, working a job, and still making time to go out with friends. I made a C,C,D,D, F!! GREAT FIRST SEMESTER huh? My spring semester I retook 2 of those classes bringing my D in Chemistry to a C and my F in Psychology to a D. WOOHOO right...In that same semester I did get my first B, but along with that made 2 more C's. I went home for the summer and thought long and hard about College, I wanted to be a Nurse soo bad, but there was no way with theses grades! I did alot better retaking Anatomy from my 1st semester would have made a B, but toward the end after being pregnant the whole dissecting cats didn't mix well and it got to me a bit, so another C I took, along with a C in Public Speaking(which I still don't think was my fault.)

Back to that semester as a 18year old, finding out I was pregnant on my 19th birthday, I was having some issues. So I will get into that in a whole nother blog one day. I took Anatomy twice at Aiken, then switched to Tech after taking a Spring and Summer semester off. I then took a full load at Tech in Fall of 2006, at almost 20years old, single mom of a 3 month old breast-fed 100% little was tough! I took they're anatomy on the internet(mine only transfered for a beginning class at Tech so I still had to take this. So choose to take online and had a lab at school which I did well in that but it's only 25% of your grade so I flunked out of that class w/ making B's in my others. So that made 3 labs in my college career of Dissecting Cats and Pigs and much much more! The next semester I took it over again in the Spring 2007 with my b/f at the time(now my husband). WEll 4th time in this lab I passed with my eyes closed!!, but lecture oh my goodness NO FUN. I made one point from a C, which meant I made a D! I realized this was the first time i'd ever had the physiology part b/c at Tech its together, at Aiken that was a class on it's own. I was now def. not going to be able to get into nursing, I mean 2 strikes you're out(we'll not in baseball, but in school..hehe)!
I switched my major to Surgical Tech, and they had the basic Anatomy/Physiology for their requirement, I went to get into there, but the director told me technically I was threw, because I had repeated the BIO & didn't get at least a C. After talking alittle while she told me if I could prove myself by taking the basic and doing well she would look at me again...well guys I got an A in Lab and Lecture..which lab that was my 5th time at least I do know the stuff now!! WOOHOO and worked hard for that A. For the past 4 semesters(including ever summer) I have gotten A's in my classes, HONOR ROLL! Well I just wansn't happy with myself giving up on Nursing the way I did, I am now Married and my daughter is 3 & here I am still in school. I have prayed and prayed about it & I am meant to be a NURSE! So......I am back to taking BIO 211, w/ the hope that WHEN I get an A, I can go to the nursing director and she will be pleased and let me on the waiting list to get into the program. So please keep me in your prayers!! It will mean alot!
So back to the present...Sunday night while checking my MTC Online Class to see where I needed to go I realized they had posted the teachers. There it was my teachers name that I had almost made a C and she couldn't give me that 1 point to get me by, I didn't like this lady one bit! I started to cry! Then checking ratings on my lab teacher, people talked about her making people cry in class...uh oh! Did I really want to do this???
Well I went to class last night 6PM to 10PM & met my 2 teachers. After going home I thought long and hard and prayed long and hard. I realized that my lecture teacher is going to be tough, she seems alittle nicer and willing to help this time, but maybe i was just blindsided from all the material last time. I wouldn't want to get a C in this class I really WANT an A, I already fell like I am learning the material better, and I am very excited about moving on in this class! For Lab this lady I have never met anyone like her. She almost made a few girls cry yesterday. One had a sports bottle in her bag and she really follows the rules of NO drink in the lab even if it's in your bag, and basically yelled at one girl b/c her hand was in the Red Zone(her face), but I must say she is a really good teacher!! Really explains things well and in NO way is boring! ;) So please pray hard that I can make it through this summer, and that the nursing program will accept me! Thanks.