Thursday, May 28, 2009

Saturday Spa Day with Me..WooHoo

FREE FACIALS, FREE PAMPERING, FREE MAKE-OVERS. FREE YOU TIME, FREE DISCUSSION ON HOW TO GET MORE FREE!!!! ;)Please come spend some time with me. Come on ladies and men. Get some pampering, check out skin care products that are specific to your skin needs, & we can even do a full make-up make-over & teach you how to correctly apply makeup to your face type. You can even invite some friends and we can make it a Girls Night out!! :) This would really help me out on getting into my Mary Kay business, it's FREE, and if you want I can share with you how to recieve FREE products to have(just ask me how.) Hope to hear back from you soon! :)
Come this Saturday, schedule a time with me..only takes an hour!
First Ways to earn free: 1.Come: Get FREE Facial, pampering, make-overs and of course time with me..hehe :) 2. Bring a friend and get a FREE eye shadow! 3. Bring 3 friends get a FREE lip gloss! 4. Bring 4 or more friends get a FREE lip gloss, a FREE hostess gift, & if your friends buy you get a certain % in free products of your choice. GIRL TIME!

Late Night

Yesterday: I made some Mary Kay deliveries! WooHoo..made some extra $, which is always nice! Got my 2 favs and we went to church for the kids treehouse, ate some I-Hop..Brianna ate so well. She ate all her bacon and eggs, my toast, brandon's cheese grits, she had a pancake with strawberries on top, but they were too mushy for her to eat..hopefully it didn't turn her off from strawberries for good! Then we went to Walmart where we spent way too much time and money!! Atleast we stocked up on groceries though. :) We went and visited Nana while Brandon studies for his test, I didn't get a chance to that is what I am about to do now, so I can get may A..lets all keep our fingers crossed for that!
School for my lecture test that is Tuesday, I am soo nervous about it! Then I will go take my lab test(wish me luck), well that will be my exciting day. Thursday are always a drag! Ready for Friday..then Saturday POWER DAY for MARY KAY...WOoHoo!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Update of the Memorial day weekend (Sorry got slack)..hehe

My classes are going fine. Have my first lab test tomorrow and lecture test on wish me luck please! :) Hope I will do well, just see lots of studying ahead of me!

Friday Brianna and I rode up to Raleigh with my aunt, cousin, & grandparents to see my other aunt and her family. Her and my uncle has 2 boys 21 & 18..then there 2 girls 9 and 6(crazy huh..), and Brianna just had a blast playing with the girls..they wore her out though she slept the whole ride home! :)(which was nice..hehe) My aunt built a house that is appraised at like 1.2million dollar house on a golf course that cost like 30,000 annually to be a member of..crazy!

Here is the House

So they were still moving things in so we helped out with the girls, and helped clear out their pantry as well.YUMMY The house is really beautiful..and we had a blast running around taking pictures like we were tourist in another country..hehe! We went shopping, my grandparents took the little ones to the park, while we continued some shopping and just spent family time over the weekend. So funny times of the trip was my aunt and that darn GPS. I know how it is I love it when it's getting me in the right direction, but like in Charleston I have just wanted to throw it out the window a couple of times!hehe So over the weekend we were looking for Kohls, the first day we could tell the GPS was taking up no where when it told us to turn..well where there was no turn, then we started listening to the 9 yr. old for directions, she was doing great for like 10minutes tellin us where to turn then all of a sudden she said turn left..long pause...i think..we may want to turn around(ended up later we found out it was just another mile down the road so she did know), we went back to the house then tried again on Sunday on the way was hilarious..there we were(Brianna already asleep at 4pm pulling out the driveway, we're listening to the GPS tell us where to go and all of a sudden we are in some huge neighborhood doing all these turns, and we kept seeing this one car go past us, we end up in a deadend in the neighborhood, and see this car pass us again who also was cursing their GPS..I about pee'd in my pants I was laughing so hard! haha Anywho we made it back to my aunts after leaving 30minutes prior and she lead us the whole 3 miles to Kohls after our 45 min. adventure! Then we headed home and the GPS did just fine! SO again no aunt Lisa it isn't broke it was just us and the new road that Kohls was on that just wasn't maped on the GPS.

Me and Brianna in front of the Golf Course

On Monday we were back home Brianna and I had fun playing during the first of the day, then I went out on the lake with brandon and some of our friends, it was a blast..I got some much needed sun which was nice! :) So over all we had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and it was back to work and school on tuesday.

Tuesday I went to lunch with Becky and Holli, finally got to meet Holli & see her pink was very exciting & inspiring!! :) I love these girls and so glad to be apart of such a great team!! :)

Wednesday..YAY finally caught up to today! Well can't wait to head home to spend some much needed time with my 2 favs. Brianna, Brandon, and I are going to drop off some Mary Kay orders, go to church, go eat, and go grocery shopping(we need to bad!) Then get Brianna to bed, we both have test tomorrow so study for that & off to least this is the plan, if very well could all change as we well know!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

School with Life in the Middle

Well I am taking Bio 211 AGAIN! I was in class till 10PM last night, which is NO fun! So here are by thoughts:
I graduated High School in May 2004 and began my college semester as a 17 year old freshmen living away from home @ USC Aiken(which wasn't too far at all). I was taking a load of classes, working a job, and still making time to go out with friends. I made a C,C,D,D, F!! GREAT FIRST SEMESTER huh? My spring semester I retook 2 of those classes bringing my D in Chemistry to a C and my F in Psychology to a D. WOOHOO right...In that same semester I did get my first B, but along with that made 2 more C's. I went home for the summer and thought long and hard about College, I wanted to be a Nurse soo bad, but there was no way with theses grades! I did alot better retaking Anatomy from my 1st semester would have made a B, but toward the end after being pregnant the whole dissecting cats didn't mix well and it got to me a bit, so another C I took, along with a C in Public Speaking(which I still don't think was my fault.)

Back to that semester as a 18year old, finding out I was pregnant on my 19th birthday, I was having some issues. So I will get into that in a whole nother blog one day. I took Anatomy twice at Aiken, then switched to Tech after taking a Spring and Summer semester off. I then took a full load at Tech in Fall of 2006, at almost 20years old, single mom of a 3 month old breast-fed 100% little was tough! I took they're anatomy on the internet(mine only transfered for a beginning class at Tech so I still had to take this. So choose to take online and had a lab at school which I did well in that but it's only 25% of your grade so I flunked out of that class w/ making B's in my others. So that made 3 labs in my college career of Dissecting Cats and Pigs and much much more! The next semester I took it over again in the Spring 2007 with my b/f at the time(now my husband). WEll 4th time in this lab I passed with my eyes closed!!, but lecture oh my goodness NO FUN. I made one point from a C, which meant I made a D! I realized this was the first time i'd ever had the physiology part b/c at Tech its together, at Aiken that was a class on it's own. I was now def. not going to be able to get into nursing, I mean 2 strikes you're out(we'll not in baseball, but in school..hehe)!
I switched my major to Surgical Tech, and they had the basic Anatomy/Physiology for their requirement, I went to get into there, but the director told me technically I was threw, because I had repeated the BIO & didn't get at least a C. After talking alittle while she told me if I could prove myself by taking the basic and doing well she would look at me again...well guys I got an A in Lab and Lecture..which lab that was my 5th time at least I do know the stuff now!! WOOHOO and worked hard for that A. For the past 4 semesters(including ever summer) I have gotten A's in my classes, HONOR ROLL! Well I just wansn't happy with myself giving up on Nursing the way I did, I am now Married and my daughter is 3 & here I am still in school. I have prayed and prayed about it & I am meant to be a NURSE! So......I am back to taking BIO 211, w/ the hope that WHEN I get an A, I can go to the nursing director and she will be pleased and let me on the waiting list to get into the program. So please keep me in your prayers!! It will mean alot!
So back to the present...Sunday night while checking my MTC Online Class to see where I needed to go I realized they had posted the teachers. There it was my teachers name that I had almost made a C and she couldn't give me that 1 point to get me by, I didn't like this lady one bit! I started to cry! Then checking ratings on my lab teacher, people talked about her making people cry in class...uh oh! Did I really want to do this???
Well I went to class last night 6PM to 10PM & met my 2 teachers. After going home I thought long and hard and prayed long and hard. I realized that my lecture teacher is going to be tough, she seems alittle nicer and willing to help this time, but maybe i was just blindsided from all the material last time. I wouldn't want to get a C in this class I really WANT an A, I already fell like I am learning the material better, and I am very excited about moving on in this class! For Lab this lady I have never met anyone like her. She almost made a few girls cry yesterday. One had a sports bottle in her bag and she really follows the rules of NO drink in the lab even if it's in your bag, and basically yelled at one girl b/c her hand was in the Red Zone(her face), but I must say she is a really good teacher!! Really explains things well and in NO way is boring! ;) So please pray hard that I can make it through this summer, and that the nursing program will accept me! Thanks.

My Weekend

Saturday May 16th..Becky came and helped me with my Mary Kay Party, & it was lots of fun, I then went and helped her with one of her consultants debut. Brandon went to the race and called me every 10minutes...LOL..not really his thing, but he had fun spending time with his dad. On Sunday Brianna and I slept in and went to McKenzies Dance Recital, it was alot of FUN, she looked sooo cute! We went to dinner with Tiffany and her family, then Brandon and I had our bible study small group. It was a nice relaxing weekend!

Friday, May 15, 2009


So what a night!!! I wasn't feeling well at all yesterday & still feel like poo. I went home took a nap, got Brianna, Nana came over to get her for alittle while, ate, watched Grey's(crazy..). Brianna was up last night not exactly sure what was wrong with her, I was up all night w/ a headache, throat hurting, out of breath, aching, etc...Brandon was a big help though. Then all of a sudden about 1am I woke up to him sick in the bathroom w/ chills, couldn't believe it!! We think it was just food poisoning which was NO fun! He is feeling fine now alittle weak, but I would be too after all that, I have never seen someone sooo sick!
Anywho..late start this morning got Brianna to Pop's, Brandon off to work, I ran by the zoo to take Tiff some shoes..hehe Poor thing. Tonight just going to clean and get ready for a Mary Kay Party in the morning...Please God let this be a more restful night!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thursday, May 14th

Yesterday - I took Brianna to church where we clapped, sang, saw Chip(the squirrel*) she had a blast!! I then took her to the park where after 20minutes when more kids came she fianlly would slide down some of the bigger slides, I had fun doing that too!hehe We went back home and watched TV, did some cleaning, Brandon cooked out some more steaks..steaks 2 days in a row is alittle much for me, but oh well..they were the bomb! :) Brianna climbed up in my lap about 9:30pm while I was watching American Idol and fell asleep(I guess I wore her out at the park!) So that brings me to American Idol..I can't believe Danny got kicked off!!! CRAZY. I really thought it would be down to Adam & Him, I was an Adam fan from the beginning though..he is alittle different, but that boy can sing!! So he def. deserves it, but I could def. be happy with Kris too, he really seems like a good down to earth guy! So next week, we will see~ :). I watched my RW/RR Challenge, can't believe Kim left, She was awesome in those duals, but that last one she just isn't a mean girl to charge at someone isn't her style, so I'd have to say she def. went out in style! She made us proud, YOU GO GIRL! :) Well I went to bed after that, Brianna snuggled up with me, Brandon & his brother stayed up awhile finishing the shed finally! He has made me proud this week with doing yard work, getting ready for Brianna's playset(can't wait), getting the shed up, cooking, his the man! LOVE YOU BABE :).

Now just waiting for noon so I can eat some lunch! Probably a bagel..yummy..i love bagel day! ;) Pick Bri up from her dad tonight and spend some quality time..woohoo Weekend is almost here!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wednesday..almost Friday

WooHoo it's almost Friday! Trying to think of something fun to do with my family tonight, last week this time we were heading to Charleston, I got to think of something for tonight..hehe! Going to get Brianna and going to take her somewhere fun, ymm maybe the mall!! To bad I'm broke after purchasing the play set for her..hehe. Need to work on some Mary Kay stuff too! I am so loving being a consultant from them catching up with people and just spending girl time, it's a blast!! If anyone wants to help me out with some fundraising or hosting a party you won't regret it. E-mail me! Thanks!

I met Zeta! YAY

So I went and saw my friend laura's precious little girl zeta yesterday. She is so cute!! She is 2 weeks old and I finally got to meet her and hold her. She is so tiny and cute I just had a ball loving on her :). Laura and I were able to share stories of what it's like being a mommy, talk about work..which her job i would die for(stay at home mom can't get any better or harder than that though!.hehe Zeta went through 4 diapers in the almost 2 hours I was there..i sure dont miss those days & everytime she'd cry I'd just hand her over..hehe! She is such a good little mommy and I am just so proud of her! Watching her with Zeta it's just amazing how much we can love someone we've known only a short time :). I wish her and Bin the best of luck in this awesome journey of parenthood.
I then went and got my not so little baby..hehe, went home she was napping, Brandon grilled some awesome steaks on the grill and we just ate and watch some TV. Very relaxing night!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

I took Brianna to her dad and then went to church. I sat with my good friend Tiffany and her husband Josh which was nice, we wished ea. other a Happy Mother's Day and cried the whole service..hehe! After church we did San Jose with my mom, grandma, aunt, cousin, uncle, and his mom too. Then went to Target with my mommy so she could pick Brianna out a baby stroller & of course I couldn't leave out without buying her at least 1 piece of clothing..hehe! I went home put together some last minute Mother's Day baskets and delivered them. I went and picked up my little one at 4, she was sleeping so I let her nap about an hour or so..she was tired from her party! We went to moms where she napped with nana for alittle bit, then went outside & played in the sand box, went to Blee's, etc..Beda got over about 8pm we ate pizza.."yummy", Brianna said. Brianna opened more presents up, then we gave mom her present. A giftcard to get her some nice jewelry and accessories at Swanks, which i love, a coffe mug that read"my favorite people call me nana", a cute journal, and Carolian T-shirt. My baby got me a cute card with our favorite cookie moster..hehe, and another sweet card that had her voice recorded saying"happy mothers day mommy", which of course made me cry again that day..hehe! I also got a giftcard for a mani & pedi, so my and my girl tiffany have to go pedi it up sometime soon! :) We watched twilight with my sis so I can play this game and try and beat her at it, which I don't know she is alittle obsessed..hehe! I had a wonderful day with my family! Happy Mother's Day to all the Mother's out there!

Brianna's 3rd Birthday

Happy Birthday Baby Girl! Well for Brianna's Birthday we took her to Disney on Ice last weekend, she just didn't know what to think. She was in owe the whole time, and had the time of her life! :) Which I loved it too..;)..hehe! Then we took her to Charleston, b/c all she wanted to do was go to the beach, she had a blast! On Friday night my friend Tiffany and I was up till like 3am making cupcake cones for her party and working on Mother's Day baskets for Mary Kay, I think we are just now catching up on that sleep we lost! On Saturday we decorated for our little get together, some of Brianna's friends from church came over and had a blast at our water party! She had a cinderella cake, a princess bathing suit, a pinata w/ lots of goodies, we played in the water, and just fellowshiped together. She got all kinds of goodies we got her a Princess tent w/ sleeping bags for when her friends stay the night, a princess bike, a princess art desk for her room, some pool toys, she got a baby highchair & stroller, playdoh, a webkin duck with a cute bag, a princess door bell for her room(thanks aunt chrissy..hehe), games, clothes, a cuddley puppy pillow from her aunt ashley and uncle brad..hehe, books, a kiddie basketball goal for pops and blees house, and much much more!! She doesn't know it yet, but we also ordered her a playset for our yard..her and Kenzie are going to love that!!! :) She was worn out after that on Saturday and was ready for bed in no time :). Sunday was her acutual birthday on Mother's Day which is special for me. She went to her dads and had a party there with her family, she got back asleep and took a nap, then put her princess dress on w/ her Birthday princess pin and spent the day with me, my mom, and my grandma! April and Jacob came and brought her another birthday present which was a really cool game that her and Jacob played for alittle bit. So in all she had a very festive Birthday week..hehe! I love you baby! Can't believe she is 3.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Charleston Trip

So it's Friday!!WOOHOO...

We went to Charleston Wednesday night which was a ton of fun! Ate dinner and did some shoppng. Then on Thursday went to Folly Beach, Brianna had a blast! She picked some great Seashells, played in the sand, and walked on the beach! We took her to Hymans were she experienced eating Calamari & Gator Sausage, which she loved :)! Then we took her to the Market she picked out some cute things in the shops, and got to see the Horses that were doing the carriage rides. We went to the outlets where she got more clothes and of course had to ride all the little kiddie rides there! Then slept the WHOLE way home! We had a great time! (i'll post a picture up soon)

Now off to do some errands to get ready for her 3rd birthday this weekend!! WOW can't believe she will be 3!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mary Kay Mother's Day Baskets

I am an independent beauty consultant for Mary Kay and hope to help you with any of your cosmetic needs! check out my website:

I have been making some great looking Mother's Day baskets in the range of $25 to $60. They have turned out great! Thanks for allowing me to meet your needs! I still have some materials left and can make more. Please contact me if u r interested. I am able to work with you on cost and you can help pick what goes into them! I am telling you I have done about 10 and have had GREAT feedback on them. Thanks!

Some of my story

I just married the love of my life on November 8th, and ready to continue this wonderful journey with him. Brandon has been my rock, my strength, and truley my everything! If you were at our beautiful wedding you could see how much love we had for each other, from the moment I finally got down the alter..hehe(Brianna wanted to make her grand entrance), to the moment he and I finally made eye contact, to the prayer, to the beautiful music, and then to those VOW,(oh and by the way I was told the week before that he wanted us to write our own vows, just like a man to wait to the last minute..huh?)..hehe, well I don't think there was a dry eye in that sanctuary once he started! I will never forget that moment, then was my turn it def. didn't rhyme, and I knew there was nothing to say following that, but I did tell him how I felt straight from the heart, then to the rings, to the unity candel, and finally Brandon got that kiss he was so anxiously waiting for. Thanks to all who supported us through the years and on that special day, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers!I have a daughter named Brianna, she will be 3 in May. Time has flown by, but I have enjoyed every moment of watching her grow and develop. She is my little angel!! We are inseperable! We enjoy our late night movies, our bedtime story, our bedtime prayers,our dates to the park, the zoo, or chucky cheese etc...She is exteremly smart and surprises me each and every day with something new. I love her with all my heart. I was 18 when I got pregnant with her and boy was a I scared to death. I knew from the moment I found out that this was a blessing from God, and I was going to have her and take care of her. I could have never imagined the struggles I would have to face, the tears I would cry, the hurt I would feel, the fear I would have, but she is my little girl and every moment was worth what I have now. There are no mistakes!!!! Brianna is my daughter and I will love her and protect her forever!! Beda* loves Brianna and me, he will watch over us, care for us, love us, and protect us. Brianna alot of family who loves her, she is one spoiled child, but when you look in her eyes no matter what she has done it will melt your heart. Through her coming in the world she has truley made an impact and difference on her grandparents lives, her great-grandparents lives, her aunts & uncles lives, her cousins lives, her dads life, her little friends lives, my friends lives, & Brandon and my life! She is my miracle and a blessing from GOD! I thank him for my family each and everyday! Life gets hard, but remember God is always here and will never leave ur side, just look to him and he will guide you in the right direction! Nobody is perfect, we just have faith in God and try our best! I feel I am a friendly, honest, trustworthy friend. Please..if you ever need a thing don't hesitate to call or send me an e-mail, even if you just want me to pray for you. I will!! God Bless you all!

First day of blogging

Hey guys! Well it's my first day of bloggin so lets see how I do and hopefully will get better as I get along. I am working today then taking my little girl to the beach. Her birthday is on Sunday and I asked her what she wanted for her birthday and she said"mommy, I want to go play in my big sandbox at the beach!" so by gosh that is what we are going to do! :) We took her to Disney on Ice Saturday night for her birthday and she had a blast & best of all sat through the whole thing...hehe!
Well I will try and post some pics from teh beach wehn I get back! Pray it doesn't rain on us too much, so we can enjoy sometime there. :)