Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My week thus far

Well I am done with my first test in lecture and lab now for the semester. Lab was actually harder than I thought, but I pulled out an 89, which is 1 pt. from an A. I will get it next time though..heart test!! So just studied all Tuesday preparing or cramming i should say for my exam last night. Multiple Choice was actually alittel difficult b/c I kept getting down to 2 answers that I couldn't distinguish which was the best answer & that happened alot, so it's def a waiting period to see my grade! Class was sooo long yesterday, went to moms, ate dinner, went home, and Bri & I hit the bed! :) Brandon was still up doing laundry, what a great husband! Couldn't believe I came home to him folding the clothes!!hehe Today I am going to make dinner for my sister and friend(brother) Randall! Yummy...italian chicken! Can't wait to eat it!! :) Well can't wait to get my baby from her daddy and spend sometime tonight! Charleston Friday with mandy and abby...can't wait to see my girlies! Mommy and Daughter day here we come..YAY!! The girls are going to have a blast and the mommies will too! ;-)