Saturday, June 6, 2009

Charleston Trip

Yesterday we went to Charleston. Mandy & I took the girls to the Aquarium & had a blast! We got to see the fish, turtles, sting rays, alligators, etc.. They had some cool little kiddie stuff a slide near the fish, a campfire for the kids to sit around, a log for them to crawl through. Brianna was very excited about the gift shop afterwards..that child loves to shop, just like her mommy..hehe! She picked out all kinds of stuff, but of course I wouldn't let her get it all! When I told her she didn't get everything she wants she said "oh yes i do!"..hehe I don't know what happened with her skipping the terrible two's and going straight into terrible three's..hehe! She was able to get a cute T-shirt & hat combo with cute little jewels that spell out Charleston, SC Aquarium..very cute, a dora mermaid, and a light up ball. We really had a great time! We spent the rest of the day eating lunch, exploring the Market where I was able to get a couple cute things for friends, and shopping. It was beautiful weather most of the day which was very nice, until late afternoon it got alittle dark and rainy while at the outlets, but we were able to get her a cute NIKE wind/rain jacket white and hot pink, so it worked out good + most spots of the outlet were covered . The girls had a blast, & so did we!! They both slept the whole way home so she was alittle grumpy when we got home last night, and didn't really want to go to sleep last night. We had a pretty relaxing evening nad finally got to sleep. So around 5am I was woke up by an awful, scretching, crying sound outside Brianna's bedroom window. I went and got Brandon scared me half to death. I actually thought somebody had left a baby outside my house, it was crazy! He ended up going outside and it was a cat, glad we got rid of it & hopefully that won't happen again.
Today was the 1st Saturday in awhile we were able to sleep in and I won' be able to do that for awhile either. It was sooo nice. Well about to go outside and play with my little girl. I hear her calling"MAAAAMA" now..hehe! Goodbye for now. ;-)