Tuesday, June 9, 2009

An actually Exciting Monday

So I feel old! My little cousin graduated from my Alumni WKHS. I can't believe she is graduated and next year my sis will graduate..goodness time sure does fly! I went to graduation which was great! My family all met at Shealys for dinner afterwards which was sooo yummy, it was Brianna's first Shealys experience and she was hooked! :) We shared childhood stories which was bittersweet and lots of fun! She got a pink Jet Ski from her parents, it's very nice.

Brandon, Brianna, and I went back to mom's to get our car, but went in to rest first. Brandon had to study for his big test today, he thinks he did well so that is a +. My friend Danielle came over and we went through some Mary Kay stuff, I am soo excited for her to be such a valuable person with me in our unit. YAY! She is going to do great for her family! Love you girl and sooo happy you're back home!