Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Long Weekend....needing sleep

My weekend was very exhausting and eventful I must say. Friday night I stayed up till 2am going through my yard sale stuff, and it was up at 5:30am to start setting up. Tiff and I did very well and made alittle extra cash for bills and vacation so that was def. a plus!! It was extremely hot and exhauting, but we made it through. Saturday night we took Brianna swimming over with Allison and Rutland..we had a lot of fun swimming and eating pizza. When we got home we were worn out and headed to bed. About 1am I woke up to Brianna coughing and sick as a dog..uh it was pretty gross. It was def. mommy to the rescue time! I have to throw away pillows, get her in the bathtub, wash the sheets, spray around. Then finally around 2am rocked her to sleep in the chair, but it was hard to sleep myself even on like 4 hours sleep in 24hrs. We got to sleep in on Sunday, I def. wasn't taking her to church after all that. Around 10am it was time for cleaning around the house. I was able to get alot done in her room with going through her clothes and toys it just took awhile and didn't have time for much else around the house especially after all the lack of sleep. I tried to study Sunday night as much as I could and headed for bed somewhat early for me! Back up Monday morning to start the week all over again.
So had a Dr. Appt. yesterday felt like I was to the point of labor when you ask for the meds..very painful. Still sore today and cramping, but I am a strong women I did my crying and got over it(hopefully). Did some exciting Mary Kay stuff last night with Becky and Danielle. I am extremely proud and excited for both of them!! :) Becky movin up to director, and Danielle getting stated..I feel sooo lucky to have such wonderful women surrounding me!
Brianna got hurt running at nana's, but will be fine! After some ice her huge knot on her forehead went done and she is just discolored now. I watched her sleep all night to make sure she was okay, Welcome to Motherhood with lack of sleep, sickness and hurting..please God be with her and can I get a break! She was funny this morning she was asleep and I was telling Brandon the knot was gone, but she was still blue and she opened one eye and said" is my favorite color, just like you"hehe and that I realized was what Motherhood is all about. :) She is doing fine, just staying a motrin for headache, but she will be back to wild as ever in no time!
Off to school later today, and get to see hopefully a A on my lab test I took on Thursday! Back to another longgg Tuesday.