Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Hot June Weekend

The weekend was nice. I was supposed to do a garage sale on Saturday, but with the ran and me still not having things together we postponed it. I got to spend the day with my baby girl. We played inside and outside, and back inside and outside. It was a great day, and turned out to be beautiful w/ no rain at all. Beda came home from work so we had a family night out to dinner at Fatz, went to my moms for alittle while, and went home to spend time together.
Sunday Brianna went with her dad, beda went to work, so I was stuff all alone to clean. I skipped church, b/c I had a headache and ended up watching Marley & Me in between naps which was such a cute movie..i just love Jennifer Aniston! I cleaned and went through things most of the day. Tiff and McKenzie called so I took a break & we went and picked up lunch and then went for a swim at my aunts house. It was soo much fun. We were trying to get Kenzie back used to the water from last summer, and she did really well by the end of our trip. Then of course it was back home for more and more cleaning! I went and got my little girl, and we all met at my mom's for dinner..yummy..she made Brandon's fav which I like too (Fried Pork Chops), I think Brandon ate like 4 of them..gosh I hate how he can eat and eat and not gain. err We watched "Because I said So" which was so cute, gave Brianna a bath, and headed home to bed! Ahhhback to Monday!!