Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Long Weekend....needing sleep

My weekend was very exhausting and eventful I must say. Friday night I stayed up till 2am going through my yard sale stuff, and it was up at 5:30am to start setting up. Tiff and I did very well and made alittle extra cash for bills and vacation so that was def. a plus!! It was extremely hot and exhauting, but we made it through. Saturday night we took Brianna swimming over with Allison and Rutland..we had a lot of fun swimming and eating pizza. When we got home we were worn out and headed to bed. About 1am I woke up to Brianna coughing and sick as a dog..uh it was pretty gross. It was def. mommy to the rescue time! I have to throw away pillows, get her in the bathtub, wash the sheets, spray around. Then finally around 2am rocked her to sleep in the chair, but it was hard to sleep myself even on like 4 hours sleep in 24hrs. We got to sleep in on Sunday, I def. wasn't taking her to church after all that. Around 10am it was time for cleaning around the house. I was able to get alot done in her room with going through her clothes and toys it just took awhile and didn't have time for much else around the house especially after all the lack of sleep. I tried to study Sunday night as much as I could and headed for bed somewhat early for me! Back up Monday morning to start the week all over again.
So had a Dr. Appt. yesterday felt like I was to the point of labor when you ask for the meds..very painful. Still sore today and cramping, but I am a strong women I did my crying and got over it(hopefully). Did some exciting Mary Kay stuff last night with Becky and Danielle. I am extremely proud and excited for both of them!! :) Becky movin up to director, and Danielle getting stated..I feel sooo lucky to have such wonderful women surrounding me!
Brianna got hurt running at nana's, but will be fine! After some ice her huge knot on her forehead went done and she is just discolored now. I watched her sleep all night to make sure she was okay, Welcome to Motherhood with lack of sleep, sickness and hurting..please God be with her and can I get a break! She was funny this morning she was asleep and I was telling Brandon the knot was gone, but she was still blue and she opened one eye and said" is my favorite color, just like you"hehe and that I realized was what Motherhood is all about. :) She is doing fine, just staying a motrin for headache, but she will be back to wild as ever in no time!
Off to school later today, and get to see hopefully a A on my lab test I took on Thursday! Back to another longgg Tuesday.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tuesdays class

So last night was a long night. Went to school alittle early to look over my test from last week, I made a C, which was one of the best grades in the class..hehe! crazy huh. She says the first test is the hardest, so if that is true I should be on my way to at least a B in the class which would help me out alot, and if I make higher on my final than that can replace the C..woohoo!! So I am not to worried right now. This is the hardest class I have taking, but I am def. learning alot of new things and starting to feel alittle more smarter! We are going over the heart right now in class. Thursday we'll study into the respiratory system. Lab was fun, lots of hands on stuff, and review for Thursdays test..hopefully that will be an A for me!! Took some Blood Pressures, studied over the dissected cat, pig, and sheep heart(doesn't that sound interesting). Then went to mom's to get Brianna and ate a burger..hehe. When we got home she played for alittle bit while Brandon and I watched part of a movie and headed for bed!
Today I am just going to relax and maybe figure out something to do with my family tonight, before hitting the books for tomorrow's test! Wish me luck and please keep me in your prayers through this journey I am in this semester.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

An actually Exciting Monday

So I feel old! My little cousin graduated from my Alumni WKHS. I can't believe she is graduated and next year my sis will graduate..goodness time sure does fly! I went to graduation which was great! My family all met at Shealys for dinner afterwards which was sooo yummy, it was Brianna's first Shealys experience and she was hooked! :) We shared childhood stories which was bittersweet and lots of fun! She got a pink Jet Ski from her parents, it's very nice.

Brandon, Brianna, and I went back to mom's to get our car, but went in to rest first. Brandon had to study for his big test today, he thinks he did well so that is a +. My friend Danielle came over and we went through some Mary Kay stuff, I am soo excited for her to be such a valuable person with me in our unit. YAY! She is going to do great for her family! Love you girl and sooo happy you're back home!

A Hot June Weekend

The weekend was nice. I was supposed to do a garage sale on Saturday, but with the ran and me still not having things together we postponed it. I got to spend the day with my baby girl. We played inside and outside, and back inside and outside. It was a great day, and turned out to be beautiful w/ no rain at all. Beda came home from work so we had a family night out to dinner at Fatz, went to my moms for alittle while, and went home to spend time together.
Sunday Brianna went with her dad, beda went to work, so I was stuff all alone to clean. I skipped church, b/c I had a headache and ended up watching Marley & Me in between naps which was such a cute movie..i just love Jennifer Aniston! I cleaned and went through things most of the day. Tiff and McKenzie called so I took a break & we went and picked up lunch and then went for a swim at my aunts house. It was soo much fun. We were trying to get Kenzie back used to the water from last summer, and she did really well by the end of our trip. Then of course it was back home for more and more cleaning! I went and got my little girl, and we all met at my mom's for dinner..yummy..she made Brandon's fav which I like too (Fried Pork Chops), I think Brandon ate like 4 of them..gosh I hate how he can eat and eat and not gain. err We watched "Because I said So" which was so cute, gave Brianna a bath, and headed home to bed! Ahhhback to Monday!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Charleston Trip

Yesterday we went to Charleston. Mandy & I took the girls to the Aquarium & had a blast! We got to see the fish, turtles, sting rays, alligators, etc.. They had some cool little kiddie stuff a slide near the fish, a campfire for the kids to sit around, a log for them to crawl through. Brianna was very excited about the gift shop afterwards..that child loves to shop, just like her mommy..hehe! She picked out all kinds of stuff, but of course I wouldn't let her get it all! When I told her she didn't get everything she wants she said "oh yes i do!"..hehe I don't know what happened with her skipping the terrible two's and going straight into terrible three's..hehe! She was able to get a cute T-shirt & hat combo with cute little jewels that spell out Charleston, SC Aquarium..very cute, a dora mermaid, and a light up ball. We really had a great time! We spent the rest of the day eating lunch, exploring the Market where I was able to get a couple cute things for friends, and shopping. It was beautiful weather most of the day which was very nice, until late afternoon it got alittle dark and rainy while at the outlets, but we were able to get her a cute NIKE wind/rain jacket white and hot pink, so it worked out good + most spots of the outlet were covered . The girls had a blast, & so did we!! They both slept the whole way home so she was alittle grumpy when we got home last night, and didn't really want to go to sleep last night. We had a pretty relaxing evening nad finally got to sleep. So around 5am I was woke up by an awful, scretching, crying sound outside Brianna's bedroom window. I went and got Brandon scared me half to death. I actually thought somebody had left a baby outside my house, it was crazy! He ended up going outside and it was a cat, glad we got rid of it & hopefully that won't happen again.
Today was the 1st Saturday in awhile we were able to sleep in and I won' be able to do that for awhile either. It was sooo nice. Well about to go outside and play with my little girl. I hear her calling"MAAAAMA" now..hehe! Goodbye for now. ;-)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I made dinner last was very Yummy, I must say so myself! Italian Chicken, Macoronni, green beans. My sis and Randall came over. SO then we watched that I'm a celebrity get me out..pretty neat, but alittle scary! I was finally able to go through my garage sale stuff not a whole lot, but it's stuff to get out my house and make some $ on. :)
Today is a busy day, have our REALTOR party tonight..Hudson BBQ yummy! It will be a good time! :) Then Charleston tomorrow for Mother/Daughter day with Bri, Abby, and Mandy. Can't wait to see them it's been 6 months!! Then prepare for garage sale somemore! Busy Busy couple of days!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My week thus far

Well I am done with my first test in lecture and lab now for the semester. Lab was actually harder than I thought, but I pulled out an 89, which is 1 pt. from an A. I will get it next time though..heart test!! So just studied all Tuesday preparing or cramming i should say for my exam last night. Multiple Choice was actually alittel difficult b/c I kept getting down to 2 answers that I couldn't distinguish which was the best answer & that happened alot, so it's def a waiting period to see my grade! Class was sooo long yesterday, went to moms, ate dinner, went home, and Bri & I hit the bed! :) Brandon was still up doing laundry, what a great husband! Couldn't believe I came home to him folding the clothes!!hehe Today I am going to make dinner for my sister and friend(brother) Randall! Yummy...italian chicken! Can't wait to eat it!! :) Well can't wait to get my baby from her daddy and spend sometime tonight! Charleston Friday with mandy and abby...can't wait to see my girlies! Mommy and Daughter day here we come..YAY!! The girls are going to have a blast and the mommies will too! ;-)

Monday, June 1, 2009

My busy weekend

Friday Brianna had a doctors appt. it was her 3 year old check up. She is 37inces, 35lbs, and is right on track of PERFECTION..hehe! She did sooo well. She had to get staples in her head a few months ago after getting hit in the head with a the whole way there she kept asking"why i have to go to the doctor, my head don't hurt mommy", she was soo cute. She did soo good there, didn't have to get shots, but had a finger prick and boy was she mad at that nurse!! She got over it after though when mommy took us for ice cream after..hehe! We hung out, went to my moms and visited for awhile and then headed to bed.

Saturday that child slept till 12:15pm!! I couldn't believe it, I kept checking to make sure she was breathing and even tried waking her up a couple times! It was okay though because I had a Power Day with Mary Kay and was able to work my business while she slept her little self away..hehe! My Power spa day went amazing..thanks to all the girls that were able to make it!! I had a blast and hope y'all did too! I was able to add some girls to my team..WooHoo and I am sooo excited about spending more time with them in building their Mary Kay business! I am now a Red Jacket consultant and soon to be a Sapphire Star Consultant! :) Loving every minute. My NOW director is GREAT!! Thanks Becky for all you've done to help me out in the business Thanks to Tiff, Christie, and Danielle for wanting to work with me and allowing me to help you and your families! Love you girls!

Sunday Brianna and I went to church. They had the graduates ceremony the first little bit so we went into big church for that and then had nursery with kierra who can now say my name~ YAY! Did some more Mary Kay stuff and Bri & I hung out with mom. Had some studying for my first lecture test on Tuesday..I am alittle scared, but we will see!! Just please pray for me! :)

Just going to be studying today and spending time with my favs! My hubby and little angel! :)