Monday, July 12, 2010


So last wednesday I went to lunch with my girl Tiffany for some yummy pizza & salad buffet! On my way back downtown driving a guy in a lexus was parked at a meter, opened his car door right as I was passing him and BANG!!!!!! The door hit my car at the right front tire, knocked off my side mirror, then made me fish take and swipe the back end of his car.
His car: Dint door, and 2 inch scratch above left back tire
My car: A WHOLE LOT OF DAMAGE([pic below of where his car door crushed in my hood, frame, rod, wheel, 5000 worth of damage!

So the cop decided to find me at fault...too fast for conditions! WHAT!!!! 
Me:  "I was going like 20 in a 35, just speeding up from being stopped at the previous red light."
Cop: "I didn't say you were speeding I said u were going too fast for conditons such as pedistrians, and meter parking"
Me: "There is meter parking all up and down Hampton, so why is the speed limit 35?"
Cop:"I don't make the speed limits ma'am, if u want to dispute you'll have to go to civil court" WHAT!!

Yea rough day! So now in a rental till the 22nd, court on the 22nd, and supposed to be going to carowinds on the 22nd. Guess the 22nd will be a crazy day! Alittle sore from the wreck, but other than that doing okay.

Brandon & Kyna Wedding Weekend!

                        Congratulations to the happy couple!

Can't believe my brother is married! Brandon isn't my brother by blood, but he's been my best friend for years, I love him soooo much and I'm so happy he meet such a great girl. They are just perfect for one another!
Brianna and I headed down to Folly Beach where we were just a year ago setting up Brandon's proposal to Kyna, and now a year later they were getting married at the same place! I had such a wonderful weekend helping Kyna with preparations for the big day, we go to spend some girl time when I got there on Friday eating lunch and running errands. Brianna met a new little friend while there, Reagan was also a flower girl and they had a ball together! Saturday morning we got up and took the girls with us to get pedicures..they loved it and was very interested in the nail people speaking what they called "spanish" Kids say and do the darnest things...huh? LOL It rained some during pics and during the ceremony on the beach but WHO was so sweet, beautiful, and great..It was an honor being apart of their big day! The food, cake, and dancing we great as well. Brianna danced the night away at the reception!
Sunday Mom & I took Brianna to the pool at the hotel, then to the outlets for some shopping. I must say it's already 3pm on Monday and I'm at worked soo ready to just go to sleep! :) Great times! Now a break from weddings for alittle while woohoo.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 4th Holiday Weekend

I love LONG weekends! Got to spend time with my little girl and family! Did do some stuff around the house, but got to relax for the most part Saturday, did my aunts makeup for her sis-in-laws wedding CONGRATS HOLLEY AND EARRON! Saturday night Brandon and I took Brianna for some yummy chinease, and Brianna learned to eat with chopsticks! She was sooo cute! Here is a pic of her there: I have a video of her doing it, but my phone won't let me upload for some reason here is a pic of her eating the rice with the spoon, but you can see those chopsticks on her plate..hehe

Sunday on the 4th we went to church, every year my grandpa and other men & women at the church cook and we do a big ole lunch after church! It was sooo good ribs, chicken, BBQ, slaw, beans, the whole works! Brianna went home and took a nap, and I curled up and watched some lifetime..hehe! My dad, mom, and sis got in from Denver where they'd been a week for my sisters ball tournament. So we headed over there and did fireworks with our friends Michael, Chrissy, and Kierra, it was a great day!!! Here is a pic of all the goodies bri got from Nana's trip( hat, donald & daisy, small blue airplane, ball, princess cup, postcard, snowglobe, etc... and a pic of her and kierra watching the fireworks, silly girls!

Was off Monday!!yay Took Brianna to go swimming with her friend Caroline! It was a fun playdate with the Wyatt's, and the day was ended by a fun Melting Pot experience with Chrissy, Vic, and Crystal. Oh the food was sooo yummy, especially my favorite part the dessert!! :) When I got home Brandon and I watched a crazy weird movie called the Crazies! haha Go figure.
Now it's just back to work for my 3 day work week..Off Friday for the fun festives getting ready for Brandon & Kyna's wedding in Charleston on Saturday! Can't Wait!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Gamecocks Baseball National Champions Day in SC! WooHoo

I can't believe it's already July!

July 1st is now a day that has gone down in history. Our USC Gamecocks won the College World Series, way to go USC baseball team! Loving my GameCocks extra special right now!
Now July 1st will be known as:
Gamecocks Baseball National Champions Day here in SC!

GO GAMECOCKS!! So Proud to be a Carolina Girl!