Monday, June 21, 2010

Wonderful Rainy Weekend

Friday 6/18: Started my Friday off going to work, then did some Father's Day shopping when I got off, then Brianna and I went to Brad & Ashley's House for some yummy burgers & hotdogs Brad cooked. We played games, watched funny dating shows, and just enjoyed our time there.

Saturday 6/19: Brianna woke up at 10am..YAY we got to sleep in. Her words were "Mom, Lets go Shopping!"..She is my child..LOL! So we got ready and headed off to the mall, as soon as we walked in the sky opened, evening the lights in the food court went out for a little while. We had a yummy lunch at Chic-Fil-a (the new spicky chicken sandwhich is yum!), we shopped for father's day gifts for dads & grandad's (and found some great deals!), we then went visited mandy at Regis & Brianna said ,"Mommy I want a hair cut"..she really needed it too! So we got her a cute new do and finally got her 4 yr. old pictures done! Brandon & I had a wonderful dinner at San Jose Saturday night with some wonderful new friends and very excited about what is going on in the community through them.

Sunday 6/20: Went to church and did the Children's Church, had some cute little boys and Brianna in the class and made some fun crafts for our Dad's, did some cleaning, had a much needed nap and watched some TV, then went to my Parents for yummy wings & chips, gave the men in my family there gifts Brianna and I had picked out. We are definatley blessed with wonderful guys in our lives! <3